One aspect of the combat I was a little disappointed by, however, were the bosses. Foes that gave me little trouble the first time around were bringing me to the ground in a bloody dog pile here.

They throw a ridiculous amount of foes at you in each stage, and they alternate where they spawn as well as increasing their damage output. Once I beat the game and started another run on the Aether difficulty, that was a whole other ball game. Overall the gameplay is really addictive and fun, and I rarely died on the Normal difficulty. I also really enjoyed teleporting about to avoid hordes of monsters and wisely choosing the right perk for the situation (my favorites are Extra Barrel, Hasty Reloader, Poison Bullets and Explosive Teleporter). To help mix this up, during every level you can collect the pieces of Tesla’s mech suit, the War Pigeon, and relish in it’s pure destructive power for a few glorious seconds. By that I don’t mean to say the game is boring, it’s not, but there’s only really one thing to do – blast Lovecraft’s eldritch minions into a fine red mist. I was always unlocking a new weapon or perk as I beat levels, which definitely helped keep things fresh, despite basic gameplay monotony. Lovecraft is how you’re always acquiring new stuff. One thing I really appreciate about Tesla vs.
While every 10tons title seems to be a top-down shooter, that hasn’t stopped them from innovating a bit here. Thus begins a war between magic and science.